Click the link to vote for Australian Mountainborders in the 2018 IMA Film contest
The team at Australian Mountainboarders was approached by the International Mountainboard Association to make a Mountainboard film for their 2018 Film Festival. The IMA hand picked 4 Mountainboard groups from around the world. The rules were simple: about 3 months to shoot the video, a maximum of 8-10 minutes, free choice of riders and a deadline of June 22nd, and popular vote taking place early in July. We accepted the offer and decide we wanted to film a video that demonstrated our style of riding.
Over the past 10+ years we have filmed many videos. Our style is heavily influenced by the street, as there is no Mountainboard parks in Australia (yet). For some time now we have been on a journey to get a Mountainboard Park built here in Melbourne. This video is a story from then to now, the journey to get a Mountainboard park built........... I am very excited to announce we have a 'Arrived' at our dream spot, we have a place to build a Mountainboard park!
The beginning and end of this video was filmed on a road trip we took a few weeks ago. The bits in-between have been filmed over the last few years (notice my long ass hair, haha) The following article is written by Daniel Foreman.
Don't forget to vote for us with the link above. If we win the competition we will be using the money to build two new steel kickers for our new park! - Dylan Warren
A Mountainboard Roadtrip
So I arrive at Dylan's at 6.15 after diving an hour out of the way with some disgusting traffic due to peak hour. I'm surprised to see that everyone is there on time, its a very rare occasion with this lot. We muster everyone out side and start strategically packing the car and trailer. We decide to send Packer to Pick up Eddy from Sunshine (Other side of Melbourne) and meet back up for dinner along the way at non other that McDonald’s, a road trip classic.
We roll on up to Balllarat in a three car deep convoy, cruising through Brown Hill to arrive and our destination in Black Hill (Which for whatever reason the boys found hilarious). I had spoken to my Uncle and Aunty weeks earlier about having us stay and they gladly accommodated us, so when we reached Johno’s and Jewel’s house we were very great full and excited not to be camping or be in two star accommodation.
After meeting the fam and having a few relaxing beers we retreat to bed. The boys stayed in Uncle Johno’s band room with memorabilia of the good old days plastered all over the walls, myself and young Jack got a bed upstairs each and as the clock struck twelve we all retreated to our slumber as the plan was to have an early start.
The boys awoke to the smell of a big breakfast that made it a little hard to get out the door, but we where on the road for 9.30am. First stop was actually my old primary school, where the boys are convinced i learnt nothing. The school is built on a gradual slope and is surrounded by a rock walls that are cut into the bank. So its made for great Mountainboard spots. Eddy went in search for some spots around the oval as Packer and Jason scoped out the school.
Trav found a sweet drop and launched it. All the boys got hyped and started to session the drop, until Jason got too hyped and gapped it to flat putting him on the sidelines for the rest of the day. We quickly cast our attention across the way. Where Dylan was rubbing his hairy face, trying to figure out what trick would look best of the jagged rock face. The verdict was to use the wake-winch to generate enough speed to ride up the rock face and stall on the top. Packer joined the session and got a frontside lipslide to match Dylan’s backside lipslide. The boys quickly became hungry after a big session of riding we retreat to uncle Johno’s for lunch.
Dylan Warren Backside Lipslide - Photo Eddy Kusdiana
After lunch i set off to visit the rest of my family whilst in town and the boys went out in search of street spots. The team found two awesome handrails. One that you could hit in a line and another bigger handrail. The sun started to go down and time was running out. Desperate to get some more tricks in before the days was out, big Jack spotted a super long concrete barrier that he suggested the boys could shred. Jumping straight out of the car the boys set up the ramps and bungee quick as a flash. Packer strapped in and landed a couple of bangers including a new trick - a backside lip slide to fakie. Dylan was next to hit the concrete barrier of doom. He thought it would be a good idea to boardslide 3 of the barriers. It took a little longer then anticipated as day turned to night and after many attempts Dylan finally rode away with the board slide. Ow and if you were wondering Nana, Pop and Grandma are all doing really well!
Dylan Warren Boardslide: drop down, hop up - Photo Eddy Kusdiana
Day two and all we could think about was Packer’s sandpit and the Black Hill jumps. Fueled with a large amount of Bacon eggs we were ready to go. After a relatively slow start Jason hits a five stair Rail and Packers ready to hit the sandpit. After a few heavy slams, a potential broken toe and a couple board throws he nailed it. We quietly celebrated unsure of his reaction. Next it was across to the performing arts centre, where Mr Woods taught me how to play the recorder. Jason was keen to ride up the steps defying gravity, with a little help from our friends the kicker and the winch. With a visit from local security it was clear we had a time limit. Eddy was after the 180 and Jason a 360. Didn’t take long for the boys to get the tricks and we were off up the hill to check out the new jumps at Black Hill.
At first we were unsure of Black Hill as the last time the team visited it was under development and to be honest the place kinda gives me the creeps. At first site the track looked amazing but didn’t look achievable. Although as Dylan broke it down one piece at a time, riding the entire line became more realistic. After Jason put his magic hood on he too found the line to be a heap of fun. Ryan and myself went on in search of some downhill goodness and found some fun trails. Eddy had big plans for the large hip, after finding a sketchy run-in had his speed and was boosting it with style. The day was slowly getting beyond us and we hadn’t even made it to the other side. iPhone torch in hand Eddy and I shredded the pump track but it was to late the night had other plans so we retreated to the pub for dinner.
Click Images to enlarge - Photos by Eddy Kusdiana + Trav Adams
Day Three
After driving to Geelong the night before. We stayed in a absolute amazing motel that Dylan booked with an incredibly small shower and an AC unit that didn’t go below 20 degrees we were in bogan luxury. The only good thing about the place is that it was across the road from a Mc Cafe, Coles and a Kmart where Packer found a rather interesting mini tomahawk/ hammer combo utility knife thing that he had to have. We hit up the breaky menu at Maccas and treat ourselves to a half decent coffee and head strait to “ The Hill Mountain bike Park”.
This park was a super fun place to ride and suitable for all different levels of experience from beginner to professional the only problem we had was that most of the guys went super hard the day before and their bodies were cooked, so we road whatever ever parts we could and called it. We also decided to use this opportunity to roll out our #Loneliness team uniform giving to us by the Salvation Army as part of there campaign to try and tackle youth mental health and isolation by encouraging kids to get out and participate in interesting new sports such as Mountainboarding. We packed up our boards and our tired weary bodies and headed to our last destination of the trip.
Trav takes us to a big school on the out skirts or Geelong with some amazing handrails featured throughout and Jason jumped at the chance, hitting a 12 set with a backside 5.0. Once the boys got it on tape it was time to hit the road and get home to our loved ones. We beat the long weekend traffic and get home at a reasonable hour, still reeling from what was a rippa long weekend trip.
On behalf of myself and the team we would like to say a massive thank you to the following people that made the trip such an amazing experience. Johno and Julie for playing host and having us for not one but two nights at your beautiful home. Jenny and Garry for also helping host, letting us use the car and looking after us. Ryan OG Slater for making the trip to catch up for ride with us and all our supporters and riding community.
Don't forget to vote for us here:
Words by Daniel Foreman
Video by Dylan Warren
Art by Jason Salopek
Photos by Eddy Kusdiana, Travis Adams
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