If you have been following our socials for the past couple of months you would know we have been building Melbourne’s first Mountainboard Park!
Ace-Hi is the name of the camp and at the beginning of every summer they host their annual ‘Opening Day’. The Opening day is a place to experience camp and check out all the activities the camp has to offer. We are very excited to announce that Mountainboarding will be apart of the camp program for 2019!!
We loaded up the ‘Mobile Mountain Mega’ and headed down to the Peninsula. We set up the tower and were ready for show time. We did a longer show then normal and drew a massive crowd.. people sitting on the hill, people sitting on the track, kids climbed up on the railing that surrounded the areana. They were stoked! Either side of the show, we taught lessons. After spendng hours and hours digging on the hill It was really nice to see the entire slope literally covered in people riding Mountainboards. We taught over 150 people how to Mountainboard that day and introduced the sport to many people who I believe will come back and ride at the camp in the near future (when it’s eventually open to the public).
The following week we taught a further two lessons as a part of the camps holiday program. We had a great turn out for both sessions and are pumped for things to come! If we taught you or your kids or you are just a fan our of our show, please leave us a review on both Facebook and Google. It really helps us!!
We are hoping to have the Mountainboard Park open in the next few months. In the mean time should we have another event? Let us know in the comments below… We are just wrapping up the boardercross section as we speak. Today I was actually smacking in the last bits of dirt into the last feature. Make sure you check out this weeks episode of Mountainboard Park Construction series on our YouTube channel by the amazing Aaron Petty below:

Be the change you want to see in this world.
- Dylan Warren
Photos by Aaron Petty and Jacob Vinall